Elite Sports | Intake Health
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Elite Sports

InFlow, the only continuous hydration education and testing system, is revolutionizing the way elite sports teams manage hydration. Achieve consistently better hydration behaviors while saving time and money with InFlow.



Improve athlete education about hydration testing through constant, daily testing with instant feedback.



Instant, actionable feedback let's players take more control over their behaviors to support staff recommendations.

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Dehydration leads to slower reaction times and greater fatigue. Keep players hydrated before they leave the locker room.

Michelle Lomonaco •  Associate Director of Sports Medicine, The Citadel

“The guys love using InFlow and have turned it into a competition. A competition in the right direction, where they try to see who can stay hydrated the longest."

How InFlow Works

Learn more about InFlow features and specifications.

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hydrate@intake.health  |  (888) 930-8518  |  105 S. Bloodworth St. Raleigh NC USA

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*Research was supported by National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health under award number R43MD014073 and the National Science Foundation under grant number 2026127. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the National Science Foundation.

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