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Hydration Science

Hydration and muscular performance: does fluid balance affect strength, power and high-intensity endurance?

Judelson, D.A., et al. Sports Medicine. 2007;37(10):907-21.

High-intensity endurance, Strength, Power

Influence of moderate dehydration on soccer performance: physiological responses to 45 min of outdoor match-play and the immediate subsequent performance of sport-specific and mental concentration tests

Edwards, A.M., et al. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007;41(6):385-91.

Endurance, Fatigue

Dehydration impairs vigilance-related attention in male basketball players

Lindsay, B.B., et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2007;39(6): 976-983.

Mental acuity

Dehydration and Symptoms of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness in Normothermic Men

Cleary, M.A., et al. Journal of Athletic Training. 2006;41(1):36-45.

Recovery, Strength

Individualized hydration plans improve performance outcomes for collegiate athletes engaging in in-season training

Ayotte, D. et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2018;15(1):27.

Jump distance, Reaction time, Recovery

Minor degree of hypohydration adversely influences cognition: a mediator analysis

Benton, D., et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016;104(3):603-12.

Mental acuity, Memory, Attention

Hypohydration effects on skeletal muscle performance and metabolism: a 31P-MRS study

Montain, S.J., et al. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1998; 84(6): 1889–1894.

Fatigue, Muscle endurance

Effect of Hypohydration on Muscle Endurance, Strength, Anaerobic Power and Capacity and Vertical Jumping Ability: A Meta-Analysis

Savoie, F.A., et al. Sports Medicin. 2015;45(8):1207-27.

Strength, Muscle endurance

The influence of intermittent high-intensity shuttle running and fluid ingestion on the performance of a soccer skill

McGregor, S.J., et al. Journal of Sports Science. 1999;17(11):895-903.


Impact of Pre-exercise Hypohydration on Aerobic Exercise Performance, Peak Oxygen Consumption and Oxygen Consumption at Lactate Threshold: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis

Deshayes, T.A., et al. Sports Medicine. 2020;50(3):581-596.

Aerobic performance, Fatigue, Recovery

Effects of Dehydration and Rehydration on Cognitive Performance and Mood among Male College Students in Cangzhou, China: A Self-Controlled Trial

Zhang, N., et al. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(11):1891.

Mental Acuity

Impact of mild dehydration on wellness and on exercise performance

Maughan, R. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2003; 57: S19–S23.

Mental acuity, Fatigue

Short sleep duration is associated with inadequate hydration: cross-cultural evidence from US and Chinese adults

Rosinger, A.Y., et al. Sleep. 2019;42(2).


Impact of rapid weight loss on cognitive function in collegiate wrestlers

Choma, C.W., et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 1998;30(5): 746-749.

Mood, Mental acuity

Examination of fatigue development in elite soccer in a hot environment: a multi-experimental approach

Mohr, M., et al. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2010;20 Suppl 3:125-32.

Speed, Fatigue

Progressive dehydration causes a progressive decline in basketball skill performance

Baker, L.B., et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2007;39(7):1114-23.


Dehydration and Symptoms of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness in Hyperthermic Males

Cleary, M.A., et al. Journal of Athletic Training. 2005;40(4):288-297.

Recovery, Strength

Mechanisms of aerobic performance impairment with heat stress and dehydration

Cheuvront, S.N., et al. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2010;109(6):1989-95.

Aerobic performance, Health, Heat stroke

Thermal and circulatory responses during exercise: effects of hypohydration, dehydration, and water intake

Armstrong, L.E., et al. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1997; 82(6): 2028–2035.

Health, Cardiovascular strain

Dehydration Reduces Posterior Leg and Trunk Flexibility and Increases Stiffness in Male Collegiate Age Runners

Ullucci, P.A., et al. European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science. 2017;5(2).

Flexibility, Stiffness, Recovery

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*Research was supported by National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health under award number R43MD014073 and the National Science Foundation under grant number 2026127. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the National Science Foundation.

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